Wednesday, October 28, 2009

There should not be a drinking age.

The current drinking age in the united states is 21. Everyone knows that, it is a huge year for most. Finally, the age I am legally aloud to get hammered at a bar... right? While many feel this is the age that we are able to make mature choices, and that is when excessive alcohol consumption will not effect our bodies as much as our frontal lobes finally mature, I still feel that the alcohol age should be lowered or even abolished completely.

Picture from Prime Events and Rentals

If this just instantly happened, mass chaos would occur. 14 year old kids all over the country would go and buy a 24 pack of beer and go crazy in celebration. If anything like this would actually happen, it would need to be a slow drawn out process. Maybe the first step being lowered consequences for underage drinking, but a higher consequence for the higher Blood Alcohol Levels for underages. The next step could be lowering it to 18, then possibly 16, and then completely getting rid of it. Now I am sure you are asking, why would we even want to do this? I feel that with this current restriction on alcohol to minors, they feel the need to rebel and binge drink their livers out. Underage Binge Drinking is really an extreme problem. They do not know their limits, and purposely attempt to pass them. Sometimes to the extreme. I feel that if the kids were not given a restriction to begin with, it would avoid their need to rebel against this line. But like I said, it could not even come close to happening correctly if we just opened all their ties to beer instantly.

I think that the kids would learn responsibility without a drinking age. They have time to understand how to self help themselves, rather than listen to a judge tell them what to do and stuff. Parents should also step in on this, teaching that it is not wrong to do, but just wrong without consideration and responsibility. It is true that binge drinking can stunt the frontal lobe development before the age of 25, but what makes my plan plausable is that it is only binge drinking and drinking in excessive amounts. That is why I feel that if these kids did have responsibility, they would avoid binge drinking. This is a problem that leads to many worse things. The worse being even death.

That is why I feel there needs to be a change on this current law. Many problems come up from it, and kids directly disobey it. That is why over a long process of time I think it should be abolished, with little tiny baby steps along the way towards this goal of a better horizon.


  1. Yeah but the younger you are when you drink the more brain cells you permanently damage so that would make everyone stupid. So bad idea.

  2. "That is why I feel that if these kids did have responsibility, they would avoid binge drinking" its teaching responsibility

  3. But what about the ones who don't care? Then we just have kids who come to school wasted 24/7...
