Monday, October 12, 2009

In a James Bond movie, there was a scene where Bond called the main bad guy insane. The man was attempting to gain world wide coverage of himself as a peacekeeper by starting a false war, and then stopping it. He replied to Bond, "Mr. Bond, the difference between insanity and ingenious is only measured by success."

Alexander the Great took over most of the known world back in the years of 334 BC. Is less then 10 years his perfected battle technique helped him conquer lands beyond lands, and went down into history as one of the most ingenious conquerors of all history.

Adolf Hitler is considered a sick and insane tyrant whose attempts to take over the world and create his master race doomed the memories of him in the future as a disgusting German. He is known by his failure and loss at the battle of the bulge where the Nazi Party was forced to resign and admit defeat.

Alexander and Hitler were both leaders and led their forces through many military victories, but Hitler's history was ended with a loss and a suicide, but Alexanders was finalized by an unknown illness, presumed the common flu. The History books wrote one as a cowards death, and the other the unfair fall of a champion. These history books are all full of opinions and governments words. If books are forced to be burned and rewritten, no one knows what was in the old ones. The new ones are known as history.

That is all old, and it is history. We do not live in the past, we live right now, in the present. We must write our own history. There is a story to everyone that is written on the inside. People may burn the past, but no one can burn the present or future. This is surely a tangent, but I had a change of heart. Who cares about the past? Everything someone has ever done in their life as lead up to where they are now, so as I see it is that everything you have ever done is not as important as where you are right now as you read this blog. Everything is influential. A butterfly effect is that a butterflys wings can cause a typhoon across the world, or whatever. I don't really know, but I do think everything we do affects everything else we do. All we have is our choices, and there is nothing I believe stronger than that. We write our own history because we are always living in the moment. And that is all for my caffeine induced rambling tangent.

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