I have very lucid dreams. My dreams are vivid, and I can swear I actually feel physically what happens in them. I recently had a project about a famous psychologist in AP psychology, and I chose Sigmund Freud. Of course he is mainly known for his thoughts on a persons ego, superego, and id, but my favorite part about learning about him was his dream analysis. He claimed that our dreams were all forms of what we were unable to attain in consciousness. Normally I would have just thrown this into the barrel of thousands of psychological theories that I hear everyday, but I had just had a dream that proved this to be exactly true.
My dream I had was about this girl I had a crush on, and we were watching a movie and i kissed her on the cheek. I had just hung out with her when I was awake, but I knew she had no interest in me. (Scandalous! I know right!) It almost creeped me out how accurate this seemed to me at the time. So my entire life honestly nothing had bewildered my more then dreams. How do these hallucinations happen? Why do they happen? No one had ever given me a straight answer until now. When we are unsatisfied or unable to do something in consciousness, our brain takes over and does it's job in unconscioussly conforting us. With our brain at true rest and 100% satisified, we are now able to sleep with all the physical uncomforts such as having to go to the bathroom and a temperature of a room.
I feel that we are held back by our desires. That is why people such as me have these lucid dreams. Us dreamers have too many desires, that we can only dream of. Is that why we are called dreamers? Not because we are trapped in hallucinations in our sleep, but we are trapped looking at these desires and only thinking of how we want them, and not achieveing them. But for a person who has no desires, do they dream? if they did, what would they dream of? Nothing more than an image of theirselves. Desires and dreams, are they interchangable? I abstractly imagine a world without any desires, what would it be like? What would a dream be called? I don't know these answers, but I can only dream of what they are.
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