Being social is easy. I like doing it also. Just recently I started talking to anyone who is around me. Because recently I was at a concert, and the older brother of my friend was randomly talking to the people behind us, and it was cool seeing how some random people who have never met each other interact when one is super friendly. So I took this initiative and starting being randomly nice and social to random people whenever I have the chance.
Like just last friday, while I was waiting in line at lunch to get those mediocre school burritos, I overheard the two girls behind me wondering if they should get this burrito or king chicken. I butted in and told them deffinetly the burrito, specifying it was no panchero's, but still pretty good. Later they saw me and thanked me for helping them make the right food choice decision. I felt really good, not that they choose the burrito, but that I influenced a random person merely because I was social to them.
I feel bad for people with these so called 'social disorders'. People that are just shy I guess. I think they are missing out on important things, and are relying on others to give that to them. They are missing out on social connections. Maybe it is a lack of serotinin or dopamine, I don't know, but what there really is a lack of are those social connections. I wish that everyone could be as social as me.
Sometimes when I try to talk to random people about something, I get weird looks. They think it is awkward that this random dude is talking to them. Nothing makes me more angry than these people. They treat me like crap only because I am being friendly. If they had their way at this time, there would only be like 3 people in the entire world, so no random people could come up and talk to them. For someone like me, that is the opposite of what I could ever want.
Sometimes I almost prefer being around people I have never met before. People that know you have all kinds of false pretenses and already have a set of impressions they put towards you. Maybe that is why I had such a great time at this random xavior halloween party I went to. (or maybe it was because there was like 5 dudes and 25 girls) but I was talking to almost everyone and it was really easy for me to go up these people and just start talking. I even talked to a german foreign exchange student and pretended like I understood what she said!
Maybe the reason I like talking to random people like this is because I like making good first impressions for myself. I am not sure, but either way, I just like being open.
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Studу Fr...
3 years ago
Inspiring...I agree with you.