Sunday, December 20, 2009

My Future Plans

So I was blogless and asking for ideas and someone said, "I just blogged about my future." So I thought thats a pretty good idea. So I will plan out my life in concrete details of everything I want and how I want it. My future: in Blog Form

First: Finish High School. This is my most minor goal at the moment. I guess I need to finish high school alive, and that is pretty much the only requirement, well that and not having a 3.5 GPA because that would be just dreadful. Avoidance of legal 'mistakes' that could in anyway tarnish my beautiful future I have planned (according to this blog post!!)

Second: Go to College. First in this category is that named college is subject to change (to whatever college I get into to be honest). At college I am going to study probably something businessy. Finance? Management? Whatever. It is all the same. I will probably end up changing my major to the correlation women and beer has on your college grades. That might be interesting.

Third: After studying beer, move to a coastal city. West or East, regardless there is sand on both sides. Once I have my house (preferably on the beach) I need a job. Probably at a big company such as IBM (I am so unoriginal, thats where my dad started).

Fourth: Get married to a girl that will suntan as I learn to surf. Note to self: Avoid sharks

Fifth: Have kids and teach them that if they have sex before they are 30 they will die of STDs. Oh yes, I do want my kids to be scared of sex. They will get pregnant, and they will die.

Sixth: When they grow up, I am going to retire from my business firm or whatever and move to florida. Once at Florida, I will own such a sweet condo my kids will be begging to come visit. Once they don't visit, I will tell them we are required to get together on christmas and/or easter and/or groundhogs day. It is still a holiday to me.

Seventh: I'm going to be a cool grandpa. One who tells funny stories of my childhood of my rebelling and how when I was 15 I had to hide in a closet with two other guys because the girls parents had came home early. Yeah, I am gonna be that kind of grandpa. Oh, and another note to self: still wear pants half an inch below waist. Suspenders should never be worn.

Eighth: If I were to be alone at the passing of my still suntanned wife, I will fill my house with helium filled balloons and fly away (this was an original idea, not from any disney movies I am copying) I will fly around in my house and throw water balloons at people.

Ninth: Newsflash: Today a man that was living in a house afloat in the sky by balloons saved a crashing airplane as he skydived onto the plane and safely landed it. Luckily he had taken an aviation course in the 2030's. He suddenly went under cardiac arrest when the plain had reached the terminal.

The movie UP

Thursday, December 17, 2009


So I went to a psychic last week. It was pretty fun (and expensive). She told me things such as I was a lion in my past life, I had 4 guardian angels, and things about my future. That is what I was skeptical about. How can anyone tell me what I am going to do? Because she is psychic? No, I think she is wrong. No one can tell me my future. Psychics are a bunch of phooey to be honest.

She told me I was going to be moving a lot when I grow older. I don't know. I've always wanted one thing in regards to where I live, right on the beach in a hot place where I can go swimming and my hot blonde babe of a wife will tan on our patio. Thats my personal vision of where my future is going. That is what I want, I don't believe she knows how I am going to be impatient and feel like moving all the time.

However, some of the things she said did kinda freak me out as they seemed really correct. She told me, 'you have a chamelion essence about you. you are able to fit and feel fine with whatever group you are around.' that seemed so right to me. I left thinking she said vague sayings and I just fine tuned them into fitting into my life, but this one line made me believe what she said almost. Within my own mind I have always had the problem of finding my own identity, and I spent much time with a ton of different 'cliques' or 'groups.'

Back to paragraph 2. She can't predict the future. I asked her who was going to win the Texas Alabama bowl game, and she couldn't answer that. It makes me wonder if you knew the future; could you change it? or would it be like the 'Thats so Raven' future where she tries to change it, but somehow it always ends up being like her vision of the future and is unchangable.

Let me try to be psychic: Think about a person, you should continue what you feel about this person. If you do not, bad things might happen and you might wish you would have still had those feelings. It is not so hard to be a psychic I guess. I just gotta work on predicting football games and im in business.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

don't worry, be happy


So I often try to tell others that you need to be happy with what you got, thankful for what you got, etc etc. But there is more to just that, when improvement is within your reach, why not grasp it? An 'improvement' per say. Something that makes you happier, something that makes your life just that little bit more meaningful.

I think some people will never be satisfied with their life. They set their goals too high, their expectations along with them. That is why everyday when I look in a mirror, I think the same thing. "As long as I am happy, there is no greater goal." I have never experienced nirvana, so I am trying to take steps towards that. Pure bliss. That is why I do the things I do, my motivation for daily life. With the dream in mind someday that I would be able to sit down without a doubt, a care, or a regret.

This goal of mine is within my grasp. Of course it is pretty far away, but I will learn to improve my reach to this. I am fine with staring at the one thing I want in life and not knowing how to hold it... yet!

Sitting in one spot stationary, contrary to popular belief, gets you nowhere. Moving gets you places, it gets you closer to where ever you are going. I tell people to be content with what they have, but then I get restless sitting there. I fidget with the thoughts of what could even be around that corner calling to me. Everyone grows up wanting things. We all want to be satisfied, so that is why we should want what makes us happy. Easy things within our grasp. In all those lame chick flick movies when the guy says, "you're everything I could have ever wanted" we all wanna feel like he does at that moment. It is clear that the two in the movie are going to end up together at the end, so that is why we should set our 'everything we could ever want' within our grasp.

So I take steps toward the nirvana. Each step is an improvement in my mind. So I can add onto the phrase of 'be happy with what you got,' with these little words of encouragement, 'be happy with what you got, but when an opportunity comes along to give yourself more and better what you got, take it.'

Friday, December 11, 2009

Does he deserve the Nobel Peace Prize?

President Obama, like you all know, recently was awarded the Nobel World Peace Prize, but also he recently sent fourty thousand troops across seas to places like Afganistan. Obviously it is an award that cannot be revoked.

Many people when it was awarded thought he was unfitting. At the time I thought he was almost deserving of the peace prize, due to his 'possibility of change' (much like his campaign slogan) but what happened? he sent 40,000 soldiers, all people who have families, loved ones, kids, into the dangerous and possibly lethal areas over seas. How is this peace? Is it an attempt to create peace by causing more war? You can call me a flower child for saying this, but I do not agree with this.

I am not necessarily anti-war though. I do believe in 'affirmative action' in this sense. War is sometimes the only effective way in changing ones opinions on ideas. But that doesn't mean it is peace. War and Peace are not interchangable. They have near opposite meanings. Maybe War can someday cause peace, but when you cause war, you are not creating peace at the time of war. Skepticism is not enough justification for peace, in my opinion.

I am not the biggest political person, but when I see things like this that are almost contradictery on what they described themselves as makes me angry. It seems that people are against the war (well during the Bush Presidency the media sure made it seems so) and how is change sending more troops over? Maybe this is wrong, but when someone was explaining President Obama's plan in Iraq is was like 'we will just leave in like a year and say work it out.' I saw that as change. Sending 40,000 troops over is not change. Obviously he is *attempting* to end the war, but by peaceful standards, this is not.

I guess I may someday stand corrected. To be honest, I cannot predict the future. So we will need to wait and see. We will need to wait and see if this prodigy president will be able to lead us out of recession, oil controversies, and a war overseas that was thrust upon him. I am forced to follow the president in the type of siciety we live in, so I will do this intentionally for the purpose of patriotism.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Responsibility, it is a big word figuratively and literally. It has many meanings, but I am going to focus on one, taking the blame for your actions and the actions that are thrust upon you that you could not control.

What made me want to write this post was because recently I have been playing lots and lots of the video game, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (the game is sweet). But the reason for the inspiration was because one of my good buddies I play with. He is what is considered in 'gamer lingo'... a rager.

Rager- One who Rages

Everytime he gets shot in game I hear first a random profanity followed by the blame of someone else or that it was zero percent his fault. There are somethings I can understand.. the profanity is one thing. Even I succumb to a vulgar word every once in a while (surprising right?) and sometimes it is not even his fault. But in a game of skill and when you die a bunch, it might be a reflection of your skill. Apparently he does not relise this.

It is almost pathetic what I have heard him blame his deaths on. Internet Lag, them always choosing to shoot him and not anyone else, and even 'thats just straight bullshit'. We all have to deal with all the same things he is dealing with. While he is 'raging' it is just making himself look more and more immature. Apparently based on his reactions to these actions that he does not think are his, he can not understand how they are his fault, and he feels the need to blame them on someone else. What is more immature then saying "It's not my fault, he started it."

You can't blame fate. Illusionary Correlation is a bitch. And It is just a game, jeez.

here ya go, youtube video of a person getting really mad on world of warcraft (profanity warning)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

What makes me mad

I decided to compile a list of things that make me angry


1. Everyone is sueing each other

As a young child we learn the lesson of, "People make mistakes." Done, right? Wrong. Small tiny mistakes are made and people sue each other for millions, it has become ridiculous. A woman sued the company who made her RV because no where in the users manual did it say that she had to actually drive when she had cruise control on, so she crashed into a wall on the freeway. What a stupid woman. People like this make me so angry, like on medicine bottles that are REQUIRED to say, "Use of this product may result in hair loss." This product is trying to make your life better, and because you got a rash from it you are going to sue them? Nobody has any feelings anymore, and people are willing to cut off their arm for millions.

2. Who said it is ok to kiss in the halls?

PDA- Personal Display of Affection. Gross! I don't want to see baby making in the halls of the school (keep it to the bathrooms at least, seriously!) Intimacy is for intimate locations, not in the mass of kids in the foyer, somehow that isn't romantic. I draw the line at hugging and even sometimes holding hands. Are you 'bonding' your love or just showing it off? Cause normally we don't wanna see it, which brings me to....

3. Drama Drama Drama Drama

What our highschool revolves around. It's so dumb. We're teenagers, we are supposed to be caring who did what with whom and who is pregnant and who is dating whom and where they went last weekend and why she kissed him when he was kissing that other girl 20 minutes ago. It is so dumb. Dispite myself sounding like a sqaure, we should be caring about other things, like things that are IMPORTANT. Like Obama sending troops to iraq, or even why we are charged 1.50$ for a bottle of pop.

4. ELE

Everybody love everybody (Credit to the movie Semi Pro) Everyone only loves their close friends, and seperates themself from everyone else. I hate this, people should just be nice to everyone. Some people are so bitter, when I was talking to random people once at a concert they thought I was hitting on them and when I was making fun of one of their eyebrow rings they told me I was crashing and burning. This made me so mad, but I just turned around. As humans, we have come too far to seperate ourselves into primal tribal kingdoms and countries. Imagine what the world could accomplish if we had the greatest minds from all over not competeing, but working together.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Living your life

I live by one moral, that everyone should live their own life and go by their own trail and let no one else change their path. Ive written essays about this, and even attempted to give inspirational pep talks to friends in dilemmas. That is my message I try to convey to others. People do try to influence the path you take and the way you take it. That is why I think you should not let these people change your trail.

My father has very strong opinions on multiple debatable topics. Opening the border... the war in Iraq, and Gay Rights. Me personally, I try to stay neutral on topics such as these. He was ranting to me about gay rights recently, and he was useing rude and vulgar terms. For the first time I looked at him and thought, "Oh my god, I do not want to ever speak an opinion like this on anyone ever." It struck me that moment, he was pushing his opinions on me to eventually have a second version of himself.

And yet, I could be called a hypocrite. I try to inspire my peers everyday I am around them. Why am I so controversial towards myself? I think it is because I always want the best for them. But again it brings up me asking myself why is my father doing this to me? Is this what he considers the best for me? No, it is not. Any word that is ever given to another person should be given with a side salad and taken with a grain of salt. I feel that we are the ones who get to choose what decisions we make, and base them off of what others have said. So like I have told you, I aim to inspire others. But why? Because I am following my own path, this path of giving inspiration. I do not expect my advice to be used, but for it to be taken into consideration at least. If everything I said was ignored, I would silence myself forever, but that is irrelevant.