Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I believe in karma. I will first start with a simple story that my friend told me and why he believes in karma. He had been messing around and making fun of some kids with some fellow neighborhood kids. That was that one times many years ago that we had the freak wind storm. He was walking through the woods and an actual tree fell on him and his friend that he had also been making fun with. They were both hospitalized. He said because of this he believed in karma. It is simple how karma works, he caused emotional pain on someone else, and something else caused physical pain on him. An eye for an eye, an ear for an ear.

My take on karma is this, is someone does good deeds their entire life, there is still a possibility that someone can do harm on them. That is the fallacy on karma, bad things can still happen to good people. I just think that these people do not deserve these bad things to have happened to them. That is where the game of karma becomes a game of fairness. It is now a game of who deserves to get what they get. The world is not always just, sometimes a good person will get something that they do not deserve, and sometimes a bad person will also get something that they do not deserve. The balance is pretty delicate. I feel that everyone has a general feeling when someone deserves what they get. If the nicest person in the school came into a financial fortune, people would be pleased.

A person that receives something that they do not deserve has been given one of the most unjust things that they could be given, positive or negative. This employs the golden rule, do unto others what you want done upon yourself. If someone emotionally hurts someone, as awful as this sounds, but by my reasoning I think they deserve to be emotionally hurt themself. However, this just does not sound right to me. That is why I feel we should have a just world, and everyone should be nice to everyone. I don't know, don't worry be happy? ELE- Everybody love everybody?

So I present a new way to improve karma: work on it! If you have messed up personally, attempt to work with it and make things better. Just like in the TV show, My Name is Earl, I think people should attempt to make amends for the mistakes they have made. Besides, it feels better when you do fix them. And you never know, you might deserve someone making their amend for their mistakes to you.

a fantastic idol for improving your karma

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