So I created this blog with the worry of picking topics for it. I dreaded thinking of what I would commit myself to speaking about 3 times a week for a year. So I chose something that i was passionate about... that being video games. They were what I spent all my time on, and what I spent the majority of my thoughts thinking about. I must admit, I was psychologically addicted, and I mean every sense of it. I tried to tell myself I wasn't, and I would always joke about it. But video games were an honest to god addiction to myself. However, due to multiple reasons, I kicked the habit, and it feels pretty damn good to do so.
I will start by saying that I would play world of warcraft so many hours a week. I would get home, start playing at 4, and get off about 9ish or be on and off for maybe 3-5 hours of world of warcraft every single night. To be honest I just thought of it as a hobby. The problem was, I was not occupying myself with anything else to do in that time, so really there was nothing wrong with doing that. I would go home and not be participating in any other extracurricular activities. I had so much free time, I played these video games. That was the cause of this addiction, sheer boredom. When I wasn't playing world of warcraft, I was doing absolutely nothing. However, I did normally get my homework done, but it was normally in a half-assed manner because I wanted to spend time playing and I would only devote the bare minimum amount of time to homework.
So I attempted to quit multiple times. I tried everything to quit cold-turkey style from this drug of warcraft. I stopped my account, but I later continued it. I uninstalled the game, but later installed it. Even in desperation (and after seeing a movie that denounced materialism) I unplugged my computer, yet it became plugged in again. None of these methods made my willpower strong enough to stop playing these games. So I recently asked myself, how have you not played this video game at all in the last month? It is simple really, I occupied myself.
Occupying myself was a great way to kick this addiction that spawned from boredom. I joined speech, which took up so many hours of my life, and then with a new girlfriend, and then later with the spring musical sweeney todd. When sometimes people say that actions speak louder than words, I can say that this only sometimes works, but a really powerful theory would be 'out of sight, out of mind.'
So I think the best way to deal with something like a psychological addiction, or something of that nature, is to hide it. Hiding a problem like this can actually be effective. hiding it forces yourself to put it in the smallest corner, where it is one day forgotten. However, with this tactic, the most important part is the forgetting of it. Hiding emotions can be bad when they all boil over!