Sunday, May 16, 2010

ADDICTION: Mountain Dew

I have been trying and trying and trying to quit drinking mountain dew. I have many reasons why I am trying to quit this addiction. Yes, it is actually an addiction of mine. I didn't used to think it was an addiction, however, I attempted to quit cold turkey-style. 'Going cold turkey' is just totally 100% stopping. Mainly, it means no gradual decline of habit use. To be completely honest, it isn't working that well.

I first realized I was addicted to this soda pop drink not too long ago. I used to pour the stuff down my throat without thinking anything. And I first decided to quit when I starting being a little bit healthier. I substituted it for propel, which actually worked a little because I think it was the artificial sugars that I was addicted to. And actually I didn't drink any pop at all for like a month. Yet, I decided to relapse a little bit and drink one, and then one more didn't hurt, and then one more didn't hurt, and then I think you get the point. I relapsed.... on mountain dew. how pathetic is that? Every sense then, I have been attempting to quit drinking it again. And as sadly as this sounds, the longest I have gone is 2 and a half days.

So about quitting, I think the hardest way to go about doing it is cold turkey, and damnit I don't even think it's effective. It just makes me want it more and more. I think a gradual decline is a better tactic. But however, I think forcing a quit of a habit doesn't work very well ever, I think the way to go is by finding some sort of motivation for quitting, like when I stopped drinking all those calories it made me lose weight (true story by the way!). So, I think the way to better yourself from your nasty dirty habits is finding those little small motivations that will keep you moving in the right and just direction. Whether it be a competition, or if it is to get buffer faster, motivation is key, not force.

office space

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