1. Everyone is sueing each other
As a young child we learn the lesson of, "People make mistakes." Done, right? Wrong. Small tiny mistakes are made and people sue each other for millions, it has become ridiculous. A woman sued the company who made her RV because no where in the users manual did it say that she had to actually drive when she had cruise control on, so she crashed into a wall on the freeway. What a stupid woman. People like this make me so angry, like on medicine bottles that are REQUIRED to say, "Use of this product may result in hair loss." This product is trying to make your life better, and because you got a rash from it you are going to sue them? Nobody has any feelings anymore, and people are willing to cut off their arm for millions.
2. Who said it is ok to kiss in the halls?
PDA- Personal Display of Affection. Gross! I don't want to see baby making in the halls of the school (keep it to the bathrooms at least, seriously!) Intimacy is for intimate locations, not in the mass of kids in the foyer, somehow that isn't romantic. I draw the line at hugging and even sometimes holding hands. Are you 'bonding' your love or just showing it off? Cause normally we don't wanna see it, which brings me to....
3. Drama Drama Drama Drama
What our highschool revolves around. It's so dumb. We're teenagers, we are supposed to be caring who did what with whom and who is pregnant and who is dating whom and where they went last weekend and why she kissed him when he was kissing that other girl 20 minutes ago. It is so dumb. Dispite myself sounding like a sqaure, we should be caring about other things, like things that are IMPORTANT. Like Obama sending troops to iraq, or even why we are charged 1.50$ for a bottle of pop.
4. ELE
Everybody love everybody (Credit to the movie Semi Pro) Everyone only loves their close friends, and seperates themself from everyone else. I hate this, people should just be nice to everyone. Some people are so bitter, when I was talking to random people once at a concert they thought I was hitting on them and when I was making fun of one of their eyebrow rings they told me I was crashing and burning. This made me so mad, but I just turned around. As humans, we have come too far to seperate ourselves into primal tribal kingdoms and countries. Imagine what the world could accomplish if we had the greatest minds from all over not competeing, but working together.
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