Saturday, September 18, 2010

A little note

Let me tell you a little story relating to my blog-

The little link has been up on my toolbar that links me to this blog. Sometimes I click it and look back at my old posts. I randomly started reading one of my old posts, and at the end of the post I left a little 'ps' paragraph that almost made no sense to anyone reading it.. except me. It was a little secret note that I left to myself in case someday I had forgotten something that seemed important to me. The part that blew my mind was that I had forgotten it, and this DID remind me. I stared at nothing for a second, how the hell did I forget what was enticing and surrounding my head at the time? Something that was starting to lose its euphoria had instantly been re-sparked and kindled and became a flame again.

That little note is what inspired me to come back to my blog and write another post. I want to look back at this post sometime and realize, wow, flames can be rekindled, bridges can be rebuilt.

I love this blog, and it is written for no one except myself. Its my thoughts, emotions, rationals, and justifications written in cyberspace.